…Profiteer Globally


In the early part of World War II, Senator Harry Truman undertook a ten thousand mile expedition to investigate the nation’s readiness for war. His efforts created the Senate Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program–it became known as the Truman Committee. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, some called for the committee to be disbanded on the grounds that it might impede victory by meddling in strategy and tactics. It did not, and continued into 1948. The committee staged over seven-hundred hearings and produced fifty-one reports, each one approved by Democrats and Republicans on the panel. The committee’s investigative efforts saved the government approximately fifteen billion in 1948 dollars–around half a trillion in current dollars.

Aug 162012

Spectrum: An Ordered Array of Components


So far, the idea of progress has been themed by sequence. As in, get this first and then get that. Development, says the old school, proceeds along the paths of clarity, mistake, luck, or karma. Or to put it another way, as a species, we are safer and safer as we move along the roadway of progress. Each mile, dollar, hypothesis, discovery that ticks by is another step forward for our species. Perhaps that model of progress has reached the end of its useful life and is due modification.

 See The Future


  • On July 13, 2012, corn production was forecast at 12.97 billion bushels of corn
  • The expected yield per acre was about 144 bushels per acre
  • As of August 10, 2012, corn production was forecast at 10.8 billion bushels of corn
  • The expected yield per acre was about 124 bushels per acre
  • A decade ago an average acre yielded about 129 bushels of corn per acre



* The State of  North Carolina – House Bill 819 *

Lake Oswego, Oregon – August 2, 2012 The Climatebull today announced the winner of the 2012 NERO Award competition honoring the ultimate in willful ignorance, willful blindness, and willful abdication of responsibility–as well as a deep disregard for best practice regarding the changing climate.

Jul 162012


For the last few months, I have been following corn (social media joke avoided). Over that period I have garnered both a bushel of interesting facts (corn pun not avoided), and an attitude. See below.

First, regarding corn…

  • In 2010, we planted 88.6 million acres of corn
  • In 2011, we planted 92.9 million acres of corn
  • In 2012, we planted 96.4 million acres of corn,  the most since 1937
An Analysis of Consumer Climate Interest Rates  


Since bottoming-out in late 2009, consumer climate interest rates, F8, has risen about 4% in three years. The DCI (Dead Cattle Index), and DLI (Dry Lightning Index) have also both risen by 2% in the same period, not too impressive, until you compare that to S&M (Scams and Misinformation Index) which has cratered by 60% during the same period. “A disturbing market pattern,” says our guest today, F.M. Train-Wrecks of Apathy Inc. “Add in the Colorado fires, the deluge in Florida, multistate derechos, sea level rise, the sweat-box summer, and we have a perfect storm leading to higher climate interest rates among consumers. F8 appears to be staging a breakout that is approaching its all time high of November of 2005,” says Train-Wrecks.

Jun 282012

—  Standards  —

Common sense says we need standards. A lack of standards slows down adaptation and decreases resilience for a society. Conversely, if we take rapidly advancing technology out of the market equation, through standards, we facilitate technological and societal progress. As well, if we do not maintain social standards, our society will decay. While an evisceration of social standards facilitates chaos.

Gaian Corporation

We are the World…And More!


Notice of Early Retirement

Dear Doug L. Lodgepole:

In the decade following the corporate consolidation transferring our Fort Collins branch, from CF&S (Critters, Forests, and Streams), to BF&D (Beetle, Fire, and Drought), we have seen a severe reduction in extreme cold winter temperatures that forces us to again reshuffle our boreal forest practice at Gaian Corporation and specifically here in Colorado. This year’s tree layoff, we envision, will be far larger than the second biggest downsizing, which as you remember, was only last year. Understand this change in the biome was not taken lightly. BF&D offices from New Mexico to the Yukon Territories and from the Front Range in Colorado to the Pacific Ocean are responding to the same forest devastation issues.

 “Common Sense”

May the market bless you and keep you.

Common sense stifles innovation in America. A set of notions, a set of ideas, a set of morals, an interrelated clarity that many humans share, common sense is not shared by synthetic entities that exist for their own growth. Common sense also says egotism, synthetic or otherwise, must not control a population. So we ask, does it make any sense, common or otherwise, to stifle corporate growth? We think not. Synthetic entities like corporations have fostered corruption in the first world like no other. Novelty is part of their heritage and there is little that we do now that functions properly. Why strangle the success of innovative corruption with common sense?

Jun 042012


You are in: Home/Recipes/Recipes-for-Disaster/Corruption/Stupidity/Arctic

Recipe: Arctic Pie Surprise, Sans Albedo
By: Cartelgreasio
Added: Jun 4, 2012

Categories: Extinction, Greed, Sociopathic Behavior, more

Prep time: 4.7 billion years
Cook time: 260 years
Total time: 4,700,000,260 years


  • Oil companies (see our cartel recipe)
  • Mining companies (yup, here too)
  • Adulterated media outlets (ditto)
  • One heaping cup of various corporate support entities with lobbyists–available under most slimy rocks

Global Bombing


“The sky is falling. The sky is falling!” Yes, Chicken Little is back. The Global Bombing alarmists have returned, snorting, scratching, and trilling about Global Bombing. This time they have teamed up with the Tree-huggers. Even though the monkeys cannot connect with the planet, their environment, or the flow of energy around them–like we dinosaurs. I guess the politically correct usage these days is the monkeys are “challenged in their connection to the planet.”

Spring 2012 – Dr. Nwo –  The Graduate Seminar on Propaganda




Topic overview

The over-energized climate now shows itself as injurious to human activities. Certain interests have worked deliberately, and consistently, to downplay the climate as well as subvert effective action on the climate. Those same interests are now at risk from litigation and societal backlash if they do not appear to be working towards a solution.

The Radiative Balance


The total amount of forcing, think energy (a joule of a statement–I know) entering our planet from the sun is about 250 Watts per square meter of planetary surface. Of that 250 Watts per square meter (approximately, on average, disclaimer, disclaimer), 150 Watts per square meter (approximately, on average, disclaimer, disclaimer), is the retained energy part of our planet’s radiative balance (disclaimer, disclaimer). So, what about the other 100? It radiates back into space. This means the 250 IN from the sun (per square meter of Earth’s surface) and the 100 back OUT into space (per square meter of Earth’s surface) and the 150 that stays with the planet trapped by the atmosphere (as measured by watts per square meter of Earth’s surface) is our planet’s radiative balance with space (approximately, on average, disclaimer, disclaimer).

A decade ago, it would have been easier to address anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance, but a manufactured debate and our nation’s No Regrets strategy, the cavalier policy propagandizing human munificence through environmental inaction while ignoring the energizing climate, derailed an effective proactive strategy. Today, the risk of failure for any project continues to intensify day by day, splaying our band-aid class of solutions for all time, while branding the pages of history with a chronicle of ineptitude, fear, corruption, and stupidity. Meanwhile, the suite of climate events continues to evolve through a set of non-deterministic, non-linear inputs setting the stage for unprecedented damage and cost. That suite of climate events, the ones in popular focus, includes items like sea level rise, drought, intensified storms, damaging hail, rogue waves, larger hurricanes, more tornado clusters, flooding, species migration, disease migration, economic disruption, ocean acidification, food crop damage, potable water issues, and defense problems. So much for No Regrets–how long will it be before we hear about the replacement for No Regrets?

Economics is a tool of nations, not the wealth of nations.

Many have lost track of civilized behavior by concluding the business of the nation equals the nation itself. This daft misconception has grown like a cancer, leading to much of the dishonesty and graft that we now see in America. The grime of corruption, mismanagement, and societal divisions run so deep, that patching up of the corrosion seems to overwhelm us. Pundits hint at a misplaced understanding of national maturity, which declares that we have no choice but to endure the decay we see around us and to move forward through a banana-republic framework. This false sense of maturity falls far short of the worst issue. Acknowledging corruption and not combating it is defeat for a nation, an endgame lost.

Apr 162012


Large centralized concerns considered by humans as “too big to fail” are in fact, bloated unbalanced systems that would die under their own weight–without support from the nation. Infrastructure disruptions, supply chain disruptions, subsystem disruptions, market disruptions, processing level disruptions, economic disruptions, human mistakes, energy constraints, and climate wakes all declare gargantuan systems defenseless against any intense alteration. Weather events can cause simultaneous damage to control and production facilities, as well as key suppliers, exposing climate-induced choke points for important products. There would be no Gaian bailout for the damage. Our planet has no notion of too big to fail. Immense centralized concerns are dinosaurs.

BIZOPS Synopsis:

Due to widespread use, the term tipping point has acquired a less than succinct quality, and any clarity once tied to The Climate Tipping Point has gone catawampus. Consequently, many ignore the coming discontinuity in the climate while using the term tipping point for any transition. A recent articles says, “…Events have almost pushed our planet to the tipping point and that global warming may be unstoppable.” Holy cow (flatulence), really? What the heck does “almost pushed our planet to the tipping point” mean?


The Marie Antoinette Institute invites you to join our four-part webinar series:

Mastering the Overthrow of Free Markets.

With competition from Mid-East interests and Horn of Africa entrepreneurs, overthrowing capitalism has become a highly competitive marketplace. At The Marie Antoinette Institute, we’re committed to helping the old-school Commies retake left-wing market share from other want-to-be extremist groups.

–From a Speech You Never Heard–


“…I have traveled the country club circuit numerous times. Outside their gates, uncounted Americans seek work. Tough crap on them–their dreams are based on believing the tissue paper-lies my kind and I have strewn across the airwaves and the internet, turning politics into a comedy of hope and our election process into a tragedy of greed.

Mar 092012

Ring. Ring (a telecom auditory alert mechanism).


Ms. Tipsce?”


“This is Prudence Tree-Hugger. How are you this evening?”

“Fine, how can I help you, Ms. Tree-Hugger?”

“Ms. Tipsce, call me Prudence. I wanted to let you know the sand bagging class has been cancelled. Oh, and while I have you on the phone, I was wondering if you have thought about environmental insurance for you and your family?”

“Mom, where’s the apple pie? Hey, are those rats in the slow-cooker?”

In 2004, I published “The Galileo Syndrome.” It stated that in the year 2020, our species would finally face the realities of anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance. The result would be legislation to ameliorate the physical problems from an energized climate while attempting to cope with the social tribulations. The book also declared our leadership would construct a response still fantasizing a society dealing with an economic predicament fixable by technological means, rather than a species-changing environmental setback. In the end, I employed deus ex machina to accentuate the tragedy of discounting our planet’s systems.

Press Release

February 22, 2012

The Flatland Institute has issued the following statement concerning the insurgent called The Third Dimension.

“Earlier this evening, the Third Dimension, a prominent figure in the topological movement, confessed to adding a new dimension to fractal research done by The Flatland Institute. An effort to suggest our planet contains not only the dimensions of Length and Width but the dimension of Depth as well–it was all in an attempt to discredit and embarrass a group that disagrees with his view that there are three dimensions (or more) to any discussion, rather than two dimensions (right and wrong), as our Flatland researchers have proven.”

Time For:
The Futile Party

For a while now the term Feudalism has had dire repute. Associated to a period of disease, upheaval, a misuse of power, a lack of knowledge, economic disasters, the Black Plague, constant wars, and the Crusades, the word Feudal is often confused with terms like: useless, pointless, fruitless, or ineffectual. In fact, the governmental form known as Feudalism–our party root–has worldwide recognition, brand awareness, and longevity. Even with the left wing media associating Feudalism to the Dark Ages.

I am a returns specialist in Hades. In my job, ya’ get to meet all kinds of people. Oh, you’re wondering what I am doing here and how come I have this job. I admit this job is a lot worse than I thought I could get. Just so you know, with the economic downturn, it was tough to find a position. I took the first job available to me. I should have known it was not as advertised; the first interview with HR was with some demon that smelled like sulfur. Then there was the management interview, if you can call it that. All I can say is my friends in the Nazi Party had nothing on this guy. So we clicked. Then of course, the last interview was with the big guy himself. It was a hell of an interview. I took the job. What the heck; marry the night. For a while, it was interesting with the coming of the Second World War and all. Then afterwards, those trials and things, damn it was like old home week seeing my old cronies. I didn’t get to talk to them. My friends never got near the returns desk. Every one of them buzzed on by, with me coughing up their smoke.

…To Our New Renewable Fuel Source: Coal!

How can this be? You ask. Any idiot knows that coal is formed from organic matter compressed and heated by mass and time. And by any measure, a fuel source that takes three-hundred-million years to renew hardly fits the term Renewable.

Well think again. Apparently, we are not dealing with just any idiot here. Or even one idiot. Which reminds me of that old IT saying: “Strive to idiot-proof your software knowing the real problem is they are building bigger and better idiots every day.”


Another talent-challenged starlet was arrested yesterday in Los Angeles on drug charges and murder. In 1947, the famous Black Dahlia Murder took place in the same city. Murder charges are quite typical this time of year…


Today in New York City, thirteen people were killed when an unemployed engineer destroyed a subway car. Of course, this is not the only time a subway car has been destroyed. In fact, this tragedy doesn’t even rate in the top ten. In 1930s, on the eve of World War Two, a pair of subway cars collided killing…

“Nickel plus hydrogen equals copper.”

“And this means what?”


“I said what.”



“We’ve already agreed on that.”


“Watt–that’s what you said. WATT.”

“I know what I said. And so what?”

“Good point; I guess you do sew the nickel and hydrogen protons together.”


Nov 082011

From: “The Kings and You”

(With apologies to Thailand and her people)

We’ve just been introduced,
I do not know your wells,
But reelection calls me,
So funding draws me to your hell.

So many politicians,
Are in the lobbyist’s arms.
It made me think…
That you and I might be
Similarly occupied.

Shall we shale?
(Dumb, dumb, dumb)
On a greased cloud of donors shall we lie?
(Dumb, dumb, dumb)
Shall we pump?
(Dumb, dumb, dumb)
Shall we say it’s just “Good-biz” and mean “Good-lies”?
(Dumb, dumb, dumb)

Final Exam – Fall Semester 2011

Dr. Nwo

Question 1 — Choose A or B

Which assertions are the hallmarks of an enlightened oligarchy?


  1. Anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance is an unavoidable bump in the road for our species; sadly, climate change is now uncontrollable.
  2. The dangers of climate change are classless and equally unsafe for all.
  3. An informative media campaign providing clarity on the coming transformations can enlist positive political will.

Grim Corporation

Interoffice  Memo


“It’s Grim–Have We Got a Fairy Tale You!”


From: The Boy Who Cried Wolf
To: Chicken Little
Re: Staffing Reductions
Date: October 16, 2011
CC: M. Goose, Marketing Department Heads

Your outburst of uncontrollable clucking, followed by pecking at the corn-fiber carpet in our meeting today was unprofessional. Corporate policy requires all barnyard proceedings to take place outside departmental meetings. As well, corporate plans will change from time to time. Our corporate strategy now declares that the sky is not falling.

When I began work on this article, I had plans to chaff the participants of ICOA, the International Civil Aviation Organization; International air carriers and their backers, who, in a parade of paradox, have juked through the major cities of the planet for last ten years under the flags of ecological concern and integrated commerce for the purpose of hustling atmospheric physics. Displaying no shame in stalling climate remediation, even though ICOA had been instituted to design and invoke that remediation, their hypocrisy called to me like drums to the march. I had to respond.

1. Administering protection of the atmosphere hurts our economy
2. The environment is the air we breathe
3. Wealth and power control the media and we are powerless to change that
4. The environment is the water we drink
5. Legal proceedings bury the truth, ignore the risks, and shield gluttony
6. The environment is the food we eat
7. Morality is a technique for herding fools since attack-for-gain is empire
8. The environment, our ecosystem, is this planet
9. Using technology our children might adapt, because we are a clever species
10. In this entire universe, just this planet sustains the existence of our kind

You may not remember it, but the noun weather once had simple adjectives associated with it like hot, wet, cold, rainy, sunny, and sometimes stormy. Then, a dozen or so years ago, new adjectives began to sidle up next to weather: wacky, bizarre, cyclical, unpredictable, and coincidental. This last year, an extreme class of adjectives has come forward; words usually reserved for war, or other cataclysmic events. Adjectives like heartbreaking, devastating, massive, catastrophic, calamitous, and threat-multiplier, have all emerged next to weather. This shift has fostered worldwide concern about anthropogenic forcing of the adjective balance and a call for a reduction in adjective use.

Sep 042011

A CSIRO marine and atmospheric research team has reported findings that climate change causes an increase in the jellyfish population. “The team believes that for the first time, water conditions could lead to what they call a jellyfish-stable-state, in which jellyfish rule the oceans…”

Oh, fear, agony, concern…Snore…

Oops, let’s try again by enlivening the facts surrounding those slimy denizens of the deep: How a jellyfish-stable-state will ruin the world–stung by a prosaic coma, the article approaches death’s door.

August 6 was anything but a bucolic August afternoon. After as much as six inches of rain fell in three hours, a flash flood gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina. Mobilized through networked climate systems, Hadley Cells, the Coriolis Effect, Kelvin Waves, and the Walker Circulation, the flash flood destroyed property and disrupted commerce. More and more network induced flash floods are materializing across the globe, leaving some scrambling to minimize the spontaneous assemblies of weather.

We, the Department of Lobby Energy (the DOLE), announces a 90–day finding on two petitions to list American coal (Ploratus Carbo Sacrilegus) (coal) as an endangered economic subspecies and designate critical habitat outside the Fossil Fuels EN of 2005, as amended (Act).
Although not listed as a species, coal is currently listed as threatened within the broader listing of Fossil Fuels. Based on our review, we find that current petitions present substantial scientific information indicating that coal may warrant listing as endangered. One of the petitions also requested the adding of nuclear (Absque Casus) as a subspecies in fossil fuels; however, we view this petition as without merit. With the publication of this notice, we are initiating a review of the status of coal to determine if listing coal as an endangered subspecies is warranted.

Old Macdonald has a farm. E-I-E-I-O
And on his farm, he has some corn. Wow! I see. Why moan?
His corn was food,
Now its booze,
Ethanol’s here
Revenue’s clear.
Old Macdonald had a farm. So, he grows Old Crow.

Old Macdonald scans the farm. It’s either floods or drought
On his farm, he had a twister. Some strange weather, mister.
What’s the cause?
Mac starts to mope.
La Nina’s it.
CO2’s for dopes.
Ethanol’s here
Buy ever clear.
Old Macdonald had a farm. It’s wacky storms. So what?

Company Overview:

As the leading global provider of perplexity and bewilderment, our teams deliver ignorance on a global scale and confusion all the way down to the desktop. Through SaaS (Suspicion as a Service), we cripple public will, diminish corporate oversight, muddy economic lucidity, hobble scientific investigation, and ultimately incapacitate entire communities through the big lie and arcane search results. We understand what it takes to bamboozle both policy makers and the public at large. With the right experience, you can be part of this exciting opportunity to cloud clarity for millions.

Two decades ago, financial leaders committed harakiri when they impaled themselves on carbon economy rhetoric. Bleeding irrational logic the emperors of excess then assaulted science–making any sane transition to a sustainable economy almost impossible. As a result, the Black Swan strategy has hatched and the business community has garnered substantial losses due to climate events–even though many of the losses were predictable and addressable, while their remediation was potentially profitable and socially redeeming. Laughably, many in the investment community were peeved to have collided with a planetary reality–and with lemming-like ferocity–now seek out a push-back strategy.

© 2011 The Climatebull Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha