Final Exam – Fall Semester 2011

Dr. Nwo

Question 1 — Choose A or B

Which assertions are the hallmarks of an enlightened oligarchy?


  1. Anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance is an unavoidable bump in the road for our species; sadly, climate change is now uncontrollable.
  2. The dangers of climate change are classless and equally unsafe for all.
  3. An informative media campaign providing clarity on the coming transformations can enlist positive political will.
  4. Supporting the free exchange of ideas engages the best and the brightest into a multi-decadal climate solution.
  5. Redundancy will help. Spread your controls and amplify transparency of process.
  6. Enhance support for research impacting the affects of the changing climate without turning the planet into a science experiment. Augment food production, develop GHG neutral power, facilitate clean water supplies, and update national defense priorities as well as economic models. Foster resilience in families, communities, and nations.


  1. The changing climate will lead to crisis. Crisis will lead to civil unrest.
  2. Acquire more power to withstand the crisis.
  3. The ignorance of others is your strength. Undermine science.
  4. Keep your subordinates away from insight and information. Their weakness is your strength. Weaken their faith in systems by declaring them corrupt.
  5. Assert economics over ecosystems to muddle layperson awareness.
  6. To control the changes brought on by anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance, throttle energy as necessary. Controlled energy means controlled societal change. Decreased energy availability will not eliminate the eventual civil unrest, but it will make discontent manageable. If the civil unrest gets unmanageable, remove energy sources in the name of GHG reduction and ride above the decaying society.


Answer ___________

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