The Marie Antoinette Institute invites you to join our four-part webinar series:

Mastering the Overthrow of Free Markets.

With competition from Mid-East interests and Horn of Africa entrepreneurs, overthrowing capitalism has become a highly competitive marketplace. At The Marie Antoinette Institute, we’re committed to helping the old-school Commies retake left-wing market share from other want-to-be extremist groups.

Learn to engage the masses through social media and irrational economic practices. The Marie Antoinette Institute is announcing open registration of our webinar series Mastering the Overthrow of Free Markets during which you’ll learn from the experts how to turn back the clock for democracies, republics, constitutional monarchies, and other enlightened forms of social order. With techniques from The Marie Antoinette Institute webinar series: Mastering the Overthrow of Free Markets, we can help you reestablish communism as the Go-To social pariah.

Webinar #1: The Magic Formula for Destruction of Social Welfare Systems

You’ll learn how to:

  • Reduce aid to struggling families while offloading excess inventory
  • Gut social programs through PACs
  • Make suffering a tool for health insurance company profits
  • Neuter talented healthcare professionals though malpractice insurance
  • See guilt as your friend, use charities as a tax dodge
  • Propagandize unemployment while ignoring the homeless
  • Lower socio-economic status on a nationwide scale
  • Undermine citizen self-respect
  • Ignore corporate abuse of the population, the environment, and the law
  • Establish social media as the new opiate of the masses
  • Make college unaffordable while using student loans to cripple graduates

Webinar #2: The Magic Formula for Attracting Converts With D&C (Divide and Conquer)

You’ll learn how to:

  • Divide by region: Are street addresses to granular?
  • Divide by race techniques, ethnocentricity is your friend
  • Divide by gender, conscripting ego and fear
  • Divide by religion  techniques, damning the non-believers
  • Divide by education making ignorance equal knowledge
  • Divide by wealth techniques: “It’s their fault!”
  • Develop  and deliver lobby-based legislation with no social merit
  • Eviscerate employee relationships, through toady management
  • Destroy family ties through the entertainment channels
  • Fill the emotional void by way of a pop-up corporate culture
  • Use military style techniques for dealing with an unhappy population
  • Argue environmental responsibility kills economies
  • Say “Corporate Social Responsibility”, without smiling

Webinar #3: The Magic Formula for Attracting Converts by Media Manipulation for Disenfranchisement

You’ll learn how to:

  • Choose a political candidate; is an IQ of 80 too high for our politicians?
  • Update your media kit on trickle-down economics
  • Use media manipulation for the delivery of cartel-based products
  • Develop a “Gang of Three” in your industry to hide that monopoly
  • Develop a “wresting mentality” towards the news
  • Use bloggers to minimize the environment and its events
  • Use social media to spy on employees
  • Use social media to homogenize thought
  • Effectively threaten news people: The Prius game
  • Separate the electorate from their voice by exposing the perqs of elected officials
  • Cope with vegetarians in the media: Let them eat burgers!

Webinar #4: Marie Antoinette’s Magic formula for Financial Institutions

You’ll learn how to:

  • Claim highly efficient IT systems add cost–without audience laughter
  • Use methods of modifying the tax code to support your stock price
  • Whine on the talk shows
  • Whine in the Congress
  • Whine in the Senate
  • Swindle through banking bailouts
  • Defraud through stock manipulation
  • Use derivatives while pointing fingers at the government
  • Ignore alienation by declaring the electorate a mob of idiots
  • Use our “Locust Model” for economic development of emerging economies
  • Silence the message by economic bullying: Why freedom of the press, freedom of choice, and free speech limit market your domination
  • Undermine belief in the free market system through graft
  • Develop and market economic bubbles
  • Promote the fable of “too big to fail”

Social change is not what it used to be. The strategies used before do not engage this generation. Today’s success depends on the experience people have online. So instead of fighting change, go with the transformations, and try one of our webinars.

In your heart, you’ll know we’re right.


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