Global Bombing


“The sky is falling. The sky is falling!” Yes, Chicken Little is back. The Global Bombing alarmists have returned, snorting, scratching, and trilling about Global Bombing. This time they have teamed up with the Tree-huggers. Even though the monkeys cannot connect with the planet, their environment, or the flow of energy around them–like we dinosaurs. I guess the politically correct usage these days is the monkeys are “challenged in their connection to the planet.”

And why are the monkeys coming to Pangaea this time? That’s right, another machine. They are lobbying the caves of power to melt rocks and turn them into a vehicle that will fly away from the Earth. Why? These cooked rocks are going to keep an even bigger rock, a so-called meteor, from falling on us. As always, the monkeys’ plan is to power their machine by their favorite method, geo-engineering, drilling into the planet and robbing our ancestors of their Chi. Pardon the pun, but monkeys are boring, and repetitive to a fault. The Tree-huggers, the monkeys, have no idea how to tap the energy of the planet without doing damage. In a word, the monkeys are idiots. Just what does that say for the Global Bombing crowd? Don’t they know that it was an ape who tricked the original reptiles into taking a byte of the machine? Global Bombing! Powered machines! Flying rocks? If rocks were meant to fly, we dinosaurs would be tossing them. Let alone have them tossed at us. Plus, a monkey redirecting a rock’s purpose is nothing short of cronyism. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not denying the spirit that lives in the rocks. We’re all civilized beings here. On the other hand, a rock is not the savior of dinosaurs. Of this, I am sure. I say we keep monkeys in the trees. If not, sooner or later, they will find a way to destroy their world, and perhaps us.

Regardless, show me this deadly meteor. Or just show me any meteor impacting the Earth. I will travel anywhere on the planet to see such an event. The Global Bombing alarmists can’t produce any proof. That’s because there is no proof that there are meteors. Unless you listen to absurd claims by the monkeys declaring we should trade our surety for their clarity; that we need to use a telescope, which will supposedly bring an item closer just by looking at it, as proof. How ridiculous is that?

Do you remember when Mount Pinatubo exploded? Now there were some rocks falling from the sky. But they came from deep inside the Earth, not from some woo-woo place accessible only to rock fondue. If we ever have a problem with a big rock coming at us, I say we light off Mount Pinatubo and fire it at the meteor destroying it. Now there’s geo-engineering!

Seriously, the real problem with the monkeys is they can’t see the flow for the trees. Therefore, we must not allow Tree-huggers to barter their myth of science by selling it through the bird-brained ideas of the Global Bombing crowd. We dinosaurs have been here for almost 160 million years, while those hairy little meat sacks hanging from trees have been around for less than a million. But no matter, with their supposedly superior brains, the Tree-huggers know what is good for us: We need to fear a big rock falling from the sky. And what are we supposed to do about the big rock falling from the sky? Build fires. Dig up other rocks. Make machines and power them with our ancestor’s Chi. Something that will wreck the balance of the planet, creating unbridled chaos on a monumental scale.

To be perfectly candid, I am sick of the monkeys. No dinosaur in their right mind could ever use any of their idiotic ideas. Do you remember their declarations about the unbeatable opposable thumb? Talk about a self-congratulating notion, give me a hundred-thousand-pound Platypus and we’ll see what you can do against it with your opposable thumb. Let’s face it. Monkeys are good for one thing–appetizers!

We dinosaurs are too big to fail and we’re getting bigger every day. That bothers the monkeys. There is no meteor, and no Global Bombing! Science cannot prove the future. It never could and it never will. Insofar as the monkeys, they have a serious problem with balance. Let’s not make that our problem as well.

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