May 032013



For a generation, climatologists and others have been predicting the advent of chaotic weather, otherwise known as the energized climate, or from the spin mongers: weird weather. Considered a step closer to the Tipping Point, the step after the Tipping Point is runaway global warming. In opposition, others say there is no anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance: The changing climate is an abstract debate among scientists; an attempt to line the pockets of researchers; a socialist myth seeking to garner control of life and assets. Even more often now, the mantra says the changing climate is a naturally occurring event–voiced in support of various recruits who mortar doubt into the population.

Consider the news’ declaration that the same areas that had drought now have floods. Thank goodness–further asserting that change is natural–like softball-sized hail. The drought is over. The floods are temporary. Let’s get back to the business of pumping fossil fuel waste into the atmosphere. And must we continue the oh-so-tedious-argument about the energized climate? After all, sophisticates know is not about the climate, truth, or fact. The debate is about power and control.

Regardless of spin, climate events continue to build, splattering more infrastructure, and assaulting our society.

In the future, when the rodents and cockroaches talk about the Homo sapiens, the discussion will likely include a debate on what tossed our species down the rat hole. Therefore, through the wonders of SNS (Sentient News Service), we bring you highlights of that debate.

To Wit:

“Good morning bugs and slugs, rats and gnats, roaches and bats. This is SNS, the Sentient News Service. My name is Cuca Racha…”

“And my name is Gop Rat. Cuca, you look lovely this morning, I see you have polished your chitin. My, you are stunning–for a bug–all aglow and so healthy looking.”

“And Gop, so buff–been working out in the gym–pushing dung balls again? It shows.”

“I’m keeping up. Just keeping up. Today, Cuca, we continue our discussion on the Humans. That baffling  rather comical species–a mix of bloodlust and buffoonery–just why did an advanced society embrace the horrors of technology. Begin returning to the bosom of the natural planet–only to die off in an orgy of consumer consumption?”

“A fascinating discussion Gop, but already we disagree. The Humans didn’t voluntarily desert their technology, their sensibilities, or the planet. They were dense, declaring themselves above the natural order, ignoring the issues associated with excess use of insecticide. They wiped themselves out as a result of the changing climate but the cause was too much insecticide. They were just plain dumb. Remember the honeybees?”

“Cuca, it wasn’t about insecticide–because that is not what did it. Look at their tools. Everything was a weapon of control. The Humans busted out as a species because of the misuse of poisons in their atmosphere. And not just the use of it, but the desire to develop more poisons–including insecticide.”

“So you call carbon dioxide a poison, Gop?”

“No. Of course not, Cuca. Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring molecule. The Humans knew about it, but they ignored the affect. They concentrated on the manufacture of poison in their food, in their water, in the seas, and in the atmosphere. The Humans were in love with two things: their deity, Market–and poison. As civilized species, we find it hard to understand why they embraced poison–but the fact remains their civilization was based on a love of poison.”

“Now Gop, there you go again. The poisons were from fossil fuels–their secondary uses after insecticides. The Humans had all this waste goop after they manufactured the item their society ran on: insecticide–and with nothing to do with the waste–developed other toxins such as gasoline, diet sodas, and plastic. They even made their food toxic. Still these other compounds must be seen as secondary. The key–the core of their species’ demise was the use of insecticide.”

“Nonsense, Cuca. You bugs will never forgive the Humans for almost wiping you off the planet. Truth is you were never in danger. The Humans were too stupid to do anything correct because they were an ignorant species driven by ego and sadness. Instead of developing awareness, they used all their resources for the enhancement of Market. In fact, I am told, at the end they did little but give offerings to their god, Market.”

“I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this one, Gop. Let’s move on. In a moment, we’ll be back with the weekend weather report. Looks like a nice one–with temperatures moderating to a balmy 130 degrees. Not bad for the first day of spring…”


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