Or, How I learned to Love 21st Century American Environmental Philosophy in Fifteen Paragraphs, or Less

  1. Humans are part of the environment and they are influencers of the environment.
  2. Your environment can be many things: the physical environment; the economic environment; your interior environment, your health environment, or the political environment.
  3. The political environment in the US is degenerate; however, we the electorate can influence the political environment and nurse it back to health. Consider how much humans have influenced the planetary environment by upping our production of the insignificant CO2 molecules.
  4. So…. Let’s talk about (the philosophy of) fixing our political environment.
  5. Opinion has its limits–and opinion is not fact; nor is opinion direct action, even if it is political opinion. The promoted “reactions” you read on Reddit, Facebook, the news, Twitter, etc., are cherries in a shit-storm–at best. At worst, they are simply propaganda. Humans now manipulate data or elections, as we have seen, by changing a few bytes here and there. This suggests the solution to our political environment here in the US is a shift in the population’s method of expression into the political environment.
  6. The reason our elected representatives do not feel they need to fix our national political environment is comfort derived from money, manufactured opinion, and jokes from late night hosts. With money derived from wealthy donors, politicians have come to believe they have protection from the ire of the population because big-money and big-data allows corrupt politicians reelection while late night comedians and bogus opinions force-feed you the notion something will be done for you.
  7. In defense of the aforementioned archaic systems, yes, something is getting done. Fact is we are facing the destruction of our country by Fascists through 21st century computational systems guided by old-fashioned megalomania.
  8. Not the answer you were looking for, right? That calls for a 21st century response to our political environment by the electorate; otherwise, you and I will be ground up into tasty little consumer-burgers gorged upon by those who think themselves our lords and ladies. We must adjust our thinking, like DeNiro did, like the people at that restaurant in Virginia did, like that person walking through the White House did–the one who yelled “Mr. President, fuck you.”
  9. Here is an obvious, and not so easy to attain, remediation principle: Big right brain thinking that takes into account the needs of the population making it part of the national agenda to solve various environmental problems. (Click your heels three times, Dorothy, and you’ll be whisked back to Kansas.) Sure, blow me. That is not going to happen until you show the Fascist bastards you mean it.
  10. Don’t wait for the elections; a voting computer is not your friend. By declaring your gut feelings to the Fascists and the Traitor-in-Charge you will gain satisfaction. By showing your neighbors how you feel, without violence, you will become empowered. We will all feel empowered. How? Pettiness. Petty is the answer. Find petty ways to make the lives of Fascists miserable:  “What? Your laundry got lost? Heck, we will look right into it!”“Needed a cab where? Oops, I thought this was Reagan Airport.”“Oh you wanted a glass of merlot?”
  11. Step up to the plate–in an intelligent way. Strikes are so 20th century. Petty is now.
  12. The way through the climate crisis and its bastard stepchild, the current US political landscape of corruption, immorality, and elected officials too dumb to be outside without an adult nearby is to make their environment shit. (You see, this really is about environmental philosophy. Who ever have thought environmental philosophy could be so much fun?)
  13. Be that adult in the office that redirects our childish corporate leaders and infantile politicians away from mayhem. You did it with your kids. Everyone is trainable. Do it with the Fascists. It’s difficult for someone to be a prick when they–or their toadies–can’t get the car fixed on time, appliances repaired, a dinner out, or delivery of some needed goods. Think supply chain!
  14. Let me put it another way. Our environment has changed in so many ways why fight it? Enjoy the flood of meanness fostered by our leaders and have some fun with those dirty bastards trying to ruin our country.
  15. Petty is metal. Live it. Love it. Embrace it.
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