Climate Change Economics – 201 (<–mythical university class)

Dr. NWO  — Winter 2015 (<—ditto)

A Visionary:  (<—joke)

E. Scrooge, a man ahead of his time  (<—satirical comment)


When confronted on the topics of…The poor and destitute…The hundreds of thousands who may suffer from common comforts…E. Scrooge responded over and over, “Aren’t there enough prisons? Are the work houses in operation? The treadmills? The poor houses, still in full vigor?…I cannot afford to make idle people merry. My taxes help support the public institutions which I have mentioned and my taxes cost enough…”


Or of course, says Scrooge, we can,  “…Decrease the surplus population (<—not a joke)…Good day, gentlemen.”

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